Q & A: Where Did All The People Come From in Genesis 4?

Here is a question I was asked recently. "When Cain was exiled, he said to God the punishment was too great, and he would be killed walking around by himself. But where did the other people come from? Wasn't it just a family of four in the beginning?" There are a few clues in the … Continue reading Q & A: Where Did All The People Come From in Genesis 4?

Q & A: Does the Bible mention a War in heaven?

Recently I got a question in my inbox asking, does the Bible mention a war in heaven in which angels are cast down to earth? This is a relatively straightforward question to answer. Yes, the Bible mentions such a war, and it is found in Revelation 12:7-12, which reads as follows. 7 And war broke … Continue reading Q & A: Does the Bible mention a War in heaven?

Q & A: Cremation and the Resurrection

I received this question some time ago "What will happen to those who are cremated on the day of resurrection?" This question is important since cremation is becoming more prevalent in our society as the more economical option for handling our earthly vessel. First, let's address ourselves and our bodies briefly. The Bible teaches that … Continue reading Q & A: Cremation and the Resurrection

Q & A: Shake the Dust Off Your Feet

I recently received the question: What does it mean to “shake the dust off your fee”? And how does this relate to dealing with fierce rejection after sharing the Gospel? Let's start with the phrase, “Shake the dust off your feet.” It comes from Matthew 10:14, where Jesus is giving instructions to His disciples. This … Continue reading Q & A: Shake the Dust Off Your Feet

Q & A: What is the 1000 Year Reign of Revelation 20?

A good friend of mine has said many times that when it comes to reading the Bible, we need not to check our common sense at the door. Yes, there are some things that might take a little more effort than others to understand but the Bible, fundamentally, is an understandable book. Paul wrote to … Continue reading Q & A: What is the 1000 Year Reign of Revelation 20?